
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name Affiliation
Aldridge Jacob M. Central Individual
Alley Charlie Frederick Douglass
Allnutt Lucas Grant Co.
Anderson Ethan Taylor Co.
Asch Ian Covington Catholic
Bailey Daniel Ryle
Barbee Drew Dunbar Individual
Bassel Alexander Lex. Christian
Bassel Cameron LCA Individual
Bender Robbie St. Xavier
Bennett Andrew Desales Individual
Bentley Brett Greenup Co.
Benton Joe Estill Co.
Benton Kade Estill Co.
Bischoff Lucas Christian Academy
Blake Korey Bourbon Co. Individual
Bonny Peyton Trinity
Brackett Lyman Trinity Individual
Brunsman Harrison Covington Catholic
Calhoun Connor Ashland Individual
Clarke Parker Henry Clay
Click Cobbe Estill Co.
Collins McKean Lex. Christian
Cox Rhett Taylor Co.
Coyle Luke Taylor Co.
Craft Joel Highlands
Davis Jared Christian Academy
Doyle Drew St. Xavier
Duerson Guy Home School
Eberle Cooper Madison Central
Edwards Drew Frederick Douglass
Elam Andrew Estill Co.
Finney Jackson St. Xavier
Fitz Christopher Covington Catholic
Foster Jeff Montgomery Co.
Gabbard Justin Highlands
Gillaspie Drex Trinity
Goff Grey Lex. Christian
Gordon Jadon Greenup Co.
Graf David Lafayette
Grange Kooper Lafayette
Harpum Christopher Ryle
Harris Ballard Trinity
Hawse Thomas Henry Clay
Hill Cogan Dunbar
Hoehn Cedric Grant Co.
Hosey Garrett Lafayette
Hughes Clay CAL Individual
Hummel Hudson Trinity
Hunt Ryan Frederick Douglass
Jefferson Hampton Henry Clay
Johns Ryland Dunbar
Johnson Davis Montgomery Co.
Keeton Griffin Greenup Co.
Kehoe Adam Taylor Co. Individual
King Austin Henry Clay
Kramer Campbell St. Xavier
Lane Henry Lafayette
Lang Jacon Greenwood
Lang Michael Greenwood
Lee Jason Dunbar
Lewis Kyle Grant Co.
Livesay Craig Dunbar Individual
Lorms Tanner Ryle
Marrs Andrew Lex. Christian
Mason Hayes Taylor Co.
McCormick Logan Montgomery Co.
McCoy Chandler Montgomery Co.
McDaniel Ben Ryle
McGinn Blake M. Central Individual
McKelvey Palmer Ryle
McKune Gavin Madison Central
Mitts Tyler Grant Co.
Money Davis Trinity
Muller Luke Highlands
Mullins Dawson Lafayette Individual
Napier Isaac Estill Co.
Neal Robby Dunbar
Paterno Dominic Covington Catholic
Pendergrass Clay Madison Central
Plumb Griffin Greenwood
Prather Trevor Lafayette
Preston Jansen Lex. Christian
Raines Jeremy Christian Academy
Ringler Cam Dunbar
Schuck Carter Henry Clay
Shick Hank Highlands
Smith Brady Christian Academy
Snapp Bryce Madison Central
Snith Seth Taylor Co.
Spencer Bryce Grant Co.
Stidam Jarrett Montgomery Co.
Stultz Drew Greenup Co.
Stultz Dylan Greenup Co.
Sturgill Carson Greenwood
Sweeten Ben Covington Catholic
Teixeria Marcello Greenwood
Thomas Jack Ballard Individual
Thomis Warren Madison Central
Toole Ryan Highlands
Troutman Matthew Christian Academy
Wells Jake Bourbon Co. Individual
Williams Benton St. Xavier
Witty Chris Frederick Douglass
Wolf Collin Frederick Douglass